The intention of a smudging application is to restore, cleanse, rejuvenate, eliminate negative or generate positive energy when warranted.
Smudging a home or office is usually done when there are new occupants, if there is stagnant energy that needs to be moved, after illnesses, or it can be done if any negative energies are felt. In an office setting sometimes energies are left behind by clients eg. Homeopath. A cleansing will dispel these energies and bring back harmony and balance.
The process involves using Reiki energy, smudging with a blend of fragrant herbs and resins, crystals and sound. The cleansing is throughout the whole house including opening and smudging cupboards, the garden and cleansing occupants.
Increasing your sense of well being.
Boosts energy levels.
Improving mental focus.
Dispel negative energy.
Creating harmony in your space.
Cleansing objects.
Improves sleep.
Increasing the flow of positive energy to your business.
The duration depends on the size of the home or office, as well as the number of occupants.
Depends on the size of the home or office, as well as the number of occupants. Starting from R950 excluding travel costs.